The end of lockdown must meet a double challenge: epidemiological on the one hand, which means organize “to break as quickly as possible the chains of transmission, (around a) correspondent care pathway (…) optimized in order to minimize the time between the starting signs and the implementation of the appropriate behaviour”. Meanwhile, it involves respecting the issues of information, civic responsibility and collective commitment defended by the Constitutional Council.
The citizen and solidarity mobilization project was set up in this context; to support post-Covid-19 end of lockdown in Marseilles (CORHESAN) in partnership with the European Hospital and AMU-SESSTIM.

Guarantee the informed consent and respect for the individual freedoms of patients affected by lockdown measures, ensure the support and empowerment of the most vulnerable people through local citizen networks and experienced humanitarian actors are ethical injunctions shared by all the actors. The success of the lockdown strategy therefore requires the mobilization of actors in the field (solidarity and social assistance actors, local doctors), civil society (civic and solidarity associations) and local communities alongside health actors (hospitals and public health).

Within this framework, Prospective and Cooperation coordinates all these categories of actors.


Find more about the project (in French)

Project presentation
>> The article on the European Hospital’s website


Feedback from the press about this project

Europe 1 – 3rd January 2022

CNews – 7th January 2022

Related resources:


>> The European Hospital, or Ambroise Paré, is a non-profit healthcare establishment. Its mission is to offer everyone a full range of treatments with a constant demand for quality, in the tradition of the humanist values ​​of the foundation of the same name, created in 1839.

Find out more about the European Hospital in Marseilles

>> The Mixed Research Unit 1252 SESSTIM – Economic and Social Sciences of Health & Treatment of Medical Information (Inserm / IRD / Aix Marseilles University) is the result of the merger between the UMR SE4S (Economic & Social Sciences, Systems of Health, Societies) and the team of LERTIM (Laboratory of Teaching and Research on the Treatment of Medical Information). It brings together three teams in economic, human and social sciences (SHES) and public health focused on applications to cancer (CAN-BIOS team), infectious diseases and addictions (SanteRCom team), and to the processing of medical information (QuanTIM team). The members of these teams have knowledge, skills and expertise in humanities and social sciences, community research, economics, epidemiology, psychosocial epidemiology, anthropology, sociology, geography, biostatistics and medical informatics.

Find out more about SESSTIM

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