A project in progress (2014-2015):

“The respect of multiple identities in the Mediterranean public area: comparative analysis North/ South on sexism and racism”, Marseille, Rabat, in partnership with the collective of Marquis artists INSANE!, associations “Sous le signe d’Ibnou rochd » and « Racines » and social science researches.

“Multiple individual and collective identities structure the relations between people, groups and Mediterranean countries. They are a cultural, social, political and historical construction to which we participate as citizens, association members, artists, researchers, teachers, pupils, students and international cooperation professionals.

The globalization modern challenges are at the same time threatening to the Mediterranean cultural identity and favouring cultural isolationism destabilizing social link.

In this context, the project aims to build bridges between these different actors on the territories of Marseille and Rabat, between advantaged neighbourhoods and working-class neighbourhood, between scholar and neophytes, between the two Mediterranean shores. For that purpose, pupils and students from the two cities are aware of the challenges in the construction of a common public area: through comparative exchanges on sexism and racism, they discover how identities can enrich themselves from their intrinsic diversity and learning how to fight against excluding and totalising logics.

Two projects being designed

“Representative democracy crisis and international citizenship challenges” in partnership with Médecins du Monde (MdM), Echanges Culturels en Méditerranée (ECUME), the cooperative of artists and anthropologists Le Tamis, popular education association Université du Citoyen et CEMEA and social sciences researchers

The representative democracy crisis and international citizenship challenges.

What are the impacts of the representative crisis on global public good and the construction of an international citizenship challenges? How to overcome it and bet on an intelligence valorisation of citizens to face the real challenges? What practices, renewals, limits in the international can contribute to the enlargement of the citizenship responsibility paradigm?

o « Theatre-forum: Which education for which development? » in partnership with the LPED think thank (unité mixte AMU-IRD) and the Théâtre de La Cité

In the context of its reflection on the renewal of the Education for Development, Citizenship and Solidarity, the association Prospective & Cooperation wishes to organize with the Biennale des Ecritures du Réel and in collaboration with the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD), a path of theatre-forum to invite young people to think and express themselves on concepts up to now presented as technical and out of reach : the development, education and North/South bridges.


While the concept of development has remained for a long time developed by restrictive worlds and discussing little between them (public policies, researches, organisations and civil society movements, artistic world), a series of workshop offers to open the debate, the dialogue and the collaboration to establish together –artists, researchers, citizens- the question : Which education for which development ?
In this adventure, young people are the authors – of their thoughts, of its writing – authors and actors of their production and the dialogue with the audience. Within co-creational workshops, supported by professionals of the theatre-forum, they call the shots of, what makes sense to them in a phocean city with multiple frontiers with as main word: to write the history… to better build the History

A workshop-debate on Education on Development and its challenges was scheduled for September 2014

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