During the months of June and July 2024, Prospective and Cooperation carried out the evaluation of the integrated response to the humanitarian needs of the populations of North Kivu in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a response led by Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) since 2023.

In this region, marked by decades of armed conflict, massive population displacement and chronic humanitarian crises, this response implies essential interventions to mitigate the impacts of conflicts on local communities by:

  • by strengthening health systems,
  • improving access to nutrition,
  • ensuring the availability of drinking water
  • and protecting vulnerable populations from violence and abuse.

The evaluation aimed to measure the effectiveness, relevance and sustainability of these interventions. It focused on three specific intervention areas: Kibua, Masisi, and Goma, where PUI deployed targeted actions in response to identified needs. The evaluation sought to understand how these interventions improved access to basic services, reduced the vulnerability of populations and strengthened local capacities for a sustainable response to crises.

The project resources are now available:

>> the summary of the final report (in French)
>> the description sheet for the management of a case of Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) within the Outpatient Therapeutic Nutrition Unit at the Lushagala displaced persons site, around ten kilometers west of Goma (North Kivu)
>> a video (coming soon)

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