On behalf of SIDACTION In Burkina Faso, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, Cameroon and Burundi
Health and social protection
Evaluation of the AFD program agreement “Improving the social and health care of sickle-cell anemia in Central Africa and Madagascar”
On behalf of the European Institute for Cooperation and Development (IECD) In the DRC, Congo Brazzaville, Cameroon, Madagascar
Epidemiological study “AVIRON 2: Estimated years of life adjusted for incapacity in the Reunion and the burden attributable to 10 risk factors. Comparison with metropolitan France and the countries of the Indian Ocean zone “
on behalf of the CHU of La Réunion, with funding from the French National Research Agency (ANR) Researcher: Kankoe...
French Red Cross (CRF) In Central African Republic
Association for the Management of Health Centres (AGECSA) City of Grenoble
Diagnostic study and assessment of needs and constraints in water and sanitation in the region of Gorgol in Mauritania
On behalf of the French Red Cross
Methodological support for the formulation of the project: “DREPAKIS: Contribution to the management of sickle-cell anemia in Kisangani”
On behalf of the Université de Liège RDC
For the Fédération Nationale des associations d’Accueil et de Réinsertion Sociale (FNARS)