On behalf of SOS Méditerranée Researcher: Marc Lescaudron
Human rights and citizenship
Capitalization and prospective reflection on the 2014-2016 multi-year strategic and financial partnership agreement “for a humanitarian and post-crisis think tank”
Groupe Urgence Réhabilitation Développement (URD), AFD, MAEDI
On behalf of CARITAS France/Secours catholique Mauritania
Methodological support for the mobilization of international expertise in evaluation, project formulation and capitalization in the medico-social field
On behalf of Santé Sud, Convention Programme Méditerranée AFD
On behalf of Handicap International Mozambique
Refugee law, migrants’ rights, maritime law: legal constraints and legal framework for rescuing people at risk in the Mediterranean Sea
On behalf of SOS Méditerranée Researcher, Marc Lescaudron
For the Fédération Nationale des associations d’Accueil et de Réinsertion Sociale (FNARS)
Feasibility study and formulation of a project to improve access to surgical care for Syrian refugees in Jordan
For HumaniTerra International