Study on Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) on the Water-Sanitation-Hygiene (WAH) sector of populations in the communities bordering Lake...
Indian Ocean
Final evaluation of the Hospital Networks and Partnerships Project 3 (PRPH 3) of the French Hospital Federation (FHF) AFD...
Quantitative baseline survey on access to rights and health of sex workers in Madagascar Médecins du Monde (MdM)
Support for the formulation of a decentralized cooperation project between local authorities for the creation and management of sports...
Support for the implementation of a Regional Multi-Actor Network (RRMA) on the island of Mayotte Town of Mamoudzou (Mayotte),...
Operationalization of the international action strategy of the City of Mamoudzou (Mayotte) France, Indian Ocean
Study on the implementation of the AFD’s Financing Facility for French Local Authorities (FICOL) in Overseas Territories, Caribbean, South...
Support for cultural project leaders in Africa and the Indian Ocean for including the gender aspect within the framework...
Action-research project on measuring the impact of cultural projects in Africa and the Indian Ocean on strengthening social ties as part of the Accès-Culture Programme, Part 2...
Methodological support for the concerted definition of the international action strategy of the City of Mamoudzou (Mayotte)
Methodological support for the concerted definition of the international action strategy of the City of Mamoudzou (Mayotte), support for...