Evaluation for the Soyons actifs/actives Programme, Tunisia
On behalf of Yunus Social Business Tunisie, Drosos Foundation
Within the framework of technical assistance to the EU support programme for the implementation of the Governmental Equality Programme...
Final evaluation and longitudinal impact study of the project “Promoting the entrepreneurial culture among young people”
On behalf od the association Injaz Al Maghrib and the Drosos Foundation Morocco
Final evaluation of the project “Responding to the emergency of street children and youth in Cairo: Strengthening promotion and access to rights”
On behalf of Samu Social International/F3E
Elaboration of the monitoring and evaluation system of the “Professionalization for business creation and solidarity development in the Maghreb”, mid-term and final evaluations
On behalf of the Agence pour la Coopération Internationale en Méditerranée (ACIM), AFD/UE In Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria
Evaluation of the programme “Participatory democracy for human and solidarity development in Morocco”
Comité Catholique contre la Faim et pour le Développement (CCFD)/ IFAD
External evaluation and elaboration of the monitoring and evaluation system of the project to strengthen the skills of women entrepreneurs and to promote their rights “Gender and Economy Pluri’Elles”
BATIK International, AFD/UE In Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt
Final evaluation of the “Students and Citizens” project 2013-2015 and support for the development of the strategic plan 2016-2018
Etudiants & Développement and Carrefour Associatif, AFD Morocco