Final evaluation of the Hospital Networks and Partnerships Project 3 (PRPH 3) of the French Hospital Federation (FHF) AFD...
Impact study of CFI’s support for local radio stations in French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa CFI Multi-country
Study around the notion of inclusion for the European Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes in the South-Mediterranean area...
Evaluation of the “Learn and innovate facing crises” project, implemented by Groupe URD and financed by AFD, DCI Monaco,...
Evaluation of the Volunteering for International Solidarity (VSI) France Volontaires, MEAE, France
Final external evaluation of the project: “Supporting international dynamics for the abolition of the death penalty: 7th World Congress...
Research on “energy” projects financed by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and Proparco for the period 2006-2016 On...
“Prospective study on the Network of Volunteering Spaces (REV) and support for the participatory development of the REV strategy”...
Programme “For the awareness of engineering students and engineers on the challenges of a technique for sustainable development”, Triennal...
“Support to Ingénieurs Sans Frontières in the diagnosis and the development of its 2018 capacity building action plan” On behalf...