This 4th workshop-debate provides an opportunity to question professional and conceptual practices in the area of education for development and solidarity. It aims to kick-start the debate about the tensions between information, communication and education, as well as on those between changes in individual behaviour, commitment and social change.

Within this frame, researchers and practitioners will be able to discuss about work on change or innovative forms of socialization and complex situations learning. Moreover, in the current context of technological transformations, new forms of social pedagogy will be exposed and questioned. The challenge here is to broaden the places dedicated to exchange, social and collective learning.


  • Camille FLEURY, Prospective and Cooperation: “Mapping education for development and international solidarity – AFD / DRIS Councils: tracks for reflection and action”
  • Philippe RODIER, Médecins du Monde: “Convince, denounce, seduce, the communication objectives of Médecins du Monde”
  • Benjamin BUCLET, Centre de Recherche et d’Expertise sur l’Education et le Développement, CREED:  “The practice of research in the South: objectivity and education for development, or the difficult positioning of the sensitive scientist”


  • Marc LESCAUDRON, Prospective and Cooperation

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